Physical training exercises and proper schedule


Wayne Sy
Wayne Sy Asked 11 years ago

Hi there coach, I just wanted to ask something about physical training. I have one month left before the competition and I wanted to know the essential exercises needed in physical training for me to be in the best condition. I would also like to ask for advice about proper schedule for the physical training.

Here is my draft schedule:

Sunday: rest

Monday: Physical Training

Tuesday: On the table training

Wednesday: Physical Training

Thursday: On the table training

Friday: On the table training

Saturday: On the table training

would you recommend doing physical training everyday or every other day?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Wayne,

Closer to the competition the table sessions become more important than the physical training.

I think the 2 sessions per week at the moment are enough.

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In lesson 4 we work on the important forehand and backhand counterhit strokes. These are the basis for much more powerful strokes you will develop in the future. We start slowly and then work our way up to a 30 second challenge to see how many strokes you can hit in this time.

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