PingSkills Touch rating


Jason Ferdinand
Jason Ferdinand Asked 8 years ago

Hi. Could you please write a review and rate the PingSkills Touch blade (honestly) in And please don't forget to upload the image. Thanks :)

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Jason,

It would be better if someone who has bought one could do that rating.  Less biased.

Thoughts on this question

Dima Shevchenko

Dima Shevchenko Posted 7 years ago

That blade is really good. I am thinking of Chinese rubbers with it but I don't know.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

You can use Chinese rubbers if you want.

Duane Millslagle

Duane Millslagle Posted 7 years ago

Good question because Pingskills does recommend this blade.  One can provide a description of the construction of the blade (i.e., 5 ply, or 5 + 2),  type of wood(s) used to make the blade and category of blade (i.e., off, off-) with little bias.  Checked the TB review site and only 1 person has review the blade.  Not much to go on if considering buying it.  In a earlier video about your first custom blade Pingskils refers to the blade.  It seems to me that Alois is avoiding the question. A complete description of the blade and why they like the blade over others would be sufficient. 

Jeff Plumb

Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hi Duane,

You can read about the description of the blade on our page about the PingSkills Touch. We also show a video of me using the bat and explaining why I like it.

Duane Millslagle

Duane Millslagle Posted 7 years ago

Thanks....all is there.  My apologies!!!

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