Pips playing against another Pip player


Phillip Simmons
Phillip Simmons Asked 11 years ago

I play close to the table with long pips on my backhand and inverted tacky rubber on the forehand.  I play in local tournaments and I am playing more and more players with long pips. Do you have any tips, tactics, techniques for playing against them. I understand how long pips and short pips work, but any information would be helpful. I am learning to twiddle so I can choose what rubber to play against their shots.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Phil,

The same principles apply if you are using pips.  The main thing to remember is that the pips to pips ball will have no spin at all so you can really attack this ball by coming over and through it.  this would be a good opportunity to use your inverted rubber when this happens.  If you get the ball on the backhand then twiddle and attack it.

Other pips players may have advice for you as well.

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Thoughts on this question

leonardo gabica

leonardo gabica Posted 11 years ago

Just do the pivot when you get a push to push rally in your backhand and attack with your forehand by pivoting :)

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