I always lose to people who play close to the table, they seem to return every shot I make with minimal effort until I miss and I look silly. Any suggestion that I can improve my game against these type of players? thanks
The trick against these typs of players is to vary the speed. A lot of the close to the table players use the speed you generate and will outplace you. They sometimes do not like it if you spin the ball slower and then play fast. Also do not give them too many angles to work with as they use placement well usually.
Try playing one slow topspin followed by one fast topspin when you are in the right position.Do not give them too much pace to work with.
We analyse the exciting match between Michael Huang and Maggie Meng and discuss how the game was won and lost. Some key points are the excellent serving and use of spin by Michael, and the good placement by Maggie and fast attacks with the pimpled rubbers.
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Ji-Soo Woo Posted 16 years ago
niel Unknown Posted 16 years ago
Alex Unknown Posted 16 years ago
Ji-Soo Woo Posted 16 years ago
niel, the problem with hitting the ball fast to blockers/crowders of course is that they normally enjoy pace. And if you hit it hard to them, it will probably come back just as fast. So hitting fast can be effective sometimes but you have to use it with caution.
Alex, I agree about hitting it to the armpit. That's why hitting it long to the middle is so effective. It reduces the angle for the opponent and also is in their indecision zone between forehand and backhand.