Playing a topspin off sidespin


Christian Habis
Christian Habis Asked 8 years ago


I was curious, if my opponent gave me a long sidespin serve , and I had to play a topspin , do I need a vertical stroke? Or should I come more forward like I would off a topspin or no spin ball?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Christian,

If it is pure sidespin you will be able to come more forward on the ball.  Often though the sidespin serve will also have a touch of either backspin or topspin.  This is where you need to make the adjustment with your stroke to come more up or forward on the return.

Watching the serve is critical and being able to recognise those subtle changes in spin is a difficult thing initially.

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Thoughts on this question

Christian Habis

Christian Habis Posted 8 years ago

Thank you.


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