Hi Alois,
I love your PingSkills videos... I like watching lessons about table tennis... Thanks alot... But it's always hard to me to play against players with long pimples who stay near the table and push the ball or make chop blocks... What should I do against them? How should I play against these pimples? From the pushes the ball always has different spin - sometimes heavy backspin, sometimes little backspin, sometimes topspin or no spin... How to understand the spin from the pimples?
Hi Peter,
This is a common source of frustration for players but it is just a matter of experience against the long pimples.
One basic principles is that whatever spin you put on the ball will come back to you reversed. So if you play a ball with backspin it will come back to you with topspin and vice versa.
To start with you can do one push and then one topspin alternately. As you start to get confidence with what you are doing you can experiment more. The more spin you put on the ball the more spin you will get back.
We have a lesson for our Premium Members in our Match Strategy Course. Playing Against Long Pimples.
If you're having trouble returning a smash, you are not alone. The secret is to stop your opponent from attacking in the first place. Improve your short game and you will become the attacker!
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Peter Garov Posted 12 years ago
Thanks alot Alois... It really helped me... Only one more thing... If I put alot of sidespin, what spin should I expect after that?
JoeMarie Buela Posted 12 years ago
Well some of long pimple rubber has its own friction. I use double fish 1615 and I can produce my own spin using this rubber.. Maybe you should check what kind of rubber your opponent might use..