I have an opponent that's using a homemade bat with sandpaper on both sides.
My problem is, when i loop, he returns it with so much backspin that my next loop will meet the net, im really frustated about these.
any tips? thanks!
Hi Gian,
Do you use normal rubber yourself? As long as you have some decent rubber that lets you generate good spin you will have the following options.
1. You can push the ball back. This will counter your opponents backspin and as they use anti-spin, when the return the backspin ball it will likely have no spin or some slight topspin depending on how the play their shot.
2. You can topspin the ball. If there is a lot of backspin on the ball you will need to ensure you lift the ball by starting low and finishing high.
If your opponent does not attack much themselves then you can try to push the ball back using option 1 and then attack the next ball which won't have backspin and then continue this pattern.
Try out these ideas and let me know how you get on. Good luck!
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gian crispino Posted 14 years ago