Playing by yourself


Arran Turner
Arran Turner Asked 2 years ago

Hi again, most the time when I practise table tennis I am playing with the table half folded on my own. Are there any shots that I can practice with the table like that or is it not possible to practice by myself?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Arran,

It is difficult to practice all of your strokes against the folded up table because the ball doesn't come back to you properly as you start to play faster or more advanced strokes.

It can be a useful tool when starting out to develop control of the ball on the table.

Take a look at this tutorial on Practicing Alone that I think will give you some good ideas.


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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#44 - Playing Blockers

Work on you variation of spin and speed. Against blockers it's really important you don't always play the same pace. They are relying on your speed.

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