Playing Doubles in Table Tennis


Pedro Aquino
Pedro Aquino Asked 14 years ago


     I would like to ask for some tips or lessons on how to play doubles in table tennis. So far, I have not yet seen any informations from PingSkills about how to play doubles. I have watched some matches on  tournaments and partners are making some signs. What are these signs and what do they mean? I wish that you have DVD,s on Table Tennes doubles.

Yours truly,

Pete Aquino 


Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Pete,

Thanks for the suggestion. We all add some tips on doubles to our list of future videos to make.

Have a read of Alois' blog about playing doubles. It discusses some basic tactics and also raises a few other topics to think about for doubles.

The signs are used by the server to let their partner know what type of serve they are about to do. If you are going to receive the 3rd ball it really helps to know what type of spin is on the ball. For example if your partner serves a short topspin ball, you know that you might get a flick return.

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