Playing down the line


Jaydeep Makwana
Jaydeep Makwana Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

I can consistently hit a forehand topspin/loop diagonally across the table i.e. from my right corner to receivers right corner, but the problem is that I'm unable to hit it straight down the line i.e. from my right hand corner to the receivers left corner as well from my left corner to the receivers left corner. 

Can you advise/demonstrate a finishing position and stance that i should practice to make the stroke possible in game as well as any tips or tricks that can help.

Thanks a lot


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi JD,

Take a look at this previous Ask the Coach video response that I think will help you.

Top Spin down the Line.

Recommended Video

Backhand Slow Spinny Topspin

The backhand slow spinny topspin can be really useful especially against a blocker who likes the ball coming fast to them.

Watch Now

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