Playing heavy BackSpin Short Balls


Rohan Cholkar
Rohan Cholkar Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

I have been Playing against a Player who serves short ball which has considerable back spin with a small off spin. He is good at keeping the ball low and short which does not give me any opportunity to hit the ball. Would be great if you could help me understand what should I do to get this game on my side..



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Rohan,

You can try pushing the ball long and fast to them and get them to make a weak topspin or a long push back.  This will open up the game for you and get it more on your terms.

If they are better than you at the short game you need to try something else.  The fast push or flick can be effective.

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Thoughts on this question

Daniel Chapman

Daniel Chapman Posted 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

      How can i play this shot? what are the fundermentals to hitting a good backspin short ball? is it your body posture to striking the ball, or is it your grip?

thanks guys.


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Daniel,

There are a lot of factors if you break it all down.  Good balance is one, the stroke technique is another and also having a relaxed hand will help as well.

Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Push to get some insight into the technique of the stroke.

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