Playing short pimpled rubber


Ajay Negi
Ajay Negi Asked 12 years ago

The oponent that I was playing was using a short pimpled rubber on the back hand and a regular rub on the forehand. When he was hitting chop with his pimpled rubber my return were going high on the net and he was killing it with his forehand. I want to know when my rturn was going high?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Ajay,

The pimples doesn't generate as much spin as the normal rubber.  So when he does a push stroke it looks like it has backspin but it doesn't have much.  Therefore you need to play it like it is a no spin ball.

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Tactical Planning

Spin, speed and placement are the 3 things you need to focus on when coming up with your tactics against each of your opponents. Start with the serve and your third ball attack. Figure out what type of serve your opponent finds most difficult. Find out where is the best place to direct your first attack. Is your opponent better at blocking with their backhand or forehand? Does your opponent prefer a faster topspin or a slow spinny topspin? Do the same for your returns.

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Thoughts on this question

Ajay Negi

Ajay Negi Posted 12 years ago

I will try this in my next game tommorow as I will be playing doubles against him. thanks a ton for this advice.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Ajay,

Good to hear you have made an improvement.  YOu are right , you probably need to play against it more often before you feel really comfortable against it.  Keep going with it.  Let me know of your progress or if you need any other help with it.

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