Playing to my weaknesses


Chris Roe
Chris Roe Asked 13 years ago

What advice would you give me so that I can better respond to an opponent who structures their game to play to my weaknesses?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Chris,

You need to analyse quickly what they are doing.  You need to work out their strengths and weaknesses too, which they will have.  Then try to work out a strategy that will stop them exposing your weakness and find a way to expose theirs.

I guess that is why they call equate Table Tennis to chess. 

When you find these strategies make sure you write them down somewhere so that when you play the player again you don't spend the first part of the match trying to work out those things again.  The PingSkills Vault is a tool that you can use to write and record for yourself this sort of information.

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Thoughts on this question

Chris Roe

Chris Roe Posted 13 years ago

Thanks Alois,

 I really like the chess analogy.  It's time for me to investigate the vault!  



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