playing with different bats


rafi cohen
rafi cohen Asked 14 years ago

hi alois and jeff

 1) I play table tennis in a few places, therefore I want  to buy second bat, Do you think it's better for me to buy the same bat for every place I play, or it shouldn't make a  difference? (currently I use TIBHAR bat and Mark V rubber)

  2) I'm used to use my right hand, and therefore when I serve I'm more comfortable to lean my right foot forward. However, my friend told me it's better to lean my left foot. Do you think it makes much difference? The reason I'm asking is because I'm much more comfortable to lean on my right foot).

thanks in advance


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Rafi,

If you are buying a second bat it is definitely best to buy the same one.  If you are using different equipment, you need to change your technique slightly especially on the touch shots. Stick to one so that you can maintain your technique.

If you are talking about a backhand serve it would be OK to have your right foot slightly forward.  If it is the forehand serve it may be a bit more awkward.  You can't get as much of your body into the action. 

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