

Bhavesh Gnnanapareddy
Bhavesh Gnnanapareddy Asked 8 years ago

Hi Alois/Jeff

What is ply in a racquet. What is its importance. In the ping skills touch I've seen that it is a 5 ply wood what does it mean

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Bhavesh,

It just means there are 5 layers of wood stuck together.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Make sure you buy a table tennis bat that is suitable for your level and allows you to develop your technique. For your first bat we recommend the PingSkills Rook, and when you upgrade to a custom bat we recommend the PingSkills Touch with Mark V or Rakza 7.

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Thoughts on this question

Bhavesh Gnnanapareddy

Bhavesh Gnnanapareddy Posted 8 years ago

Hi Alois, 

Does it effect the performance


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Usually they say that the more plies the faster the racket, if it is all made of the same type of wood.

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