Point of contact?


Martin Unknown
Martin Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Hi Pingskills,

When you're serving, I've been told that you can get different amounts of spin on the ball depending on the point of contact. If this is true, what part of the rubber should I hit the ball for a heavy spin serve? (ie. heavy backspin, sidespin).

Also, how would I counter a long serve with heavy side spin? Would I have to loop in a certain direction?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Martin.

There are hitting points on the bat that help with different spins.  We will cover these in our new DVD on serving coming out shortly.

Here is a basic outline however.  For backspin it is better to hit the ball at the end of your bat and topspin nearer the handle.  Sidespin is better somewhere in between.

Watch out for the new Serving DVD for a more detalied explanation.

For the return of serve, the best option for most long serves is to topspin.  By brushing the ball on contact you will negate the spin as long as you brush it finely.  This will give the return its own direction.  You may have to angle the bat slightly to counter the sidespin. Don't think about hitting in a certain direction but focus more on using the angle of your bat to hit it wherever you want to.

Good luck. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Contact Point For Maximum Spin

Learn why hitting the ball at the end of your racquet will allow you to generate more spin on your backspin serve.

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Thoughts on this question

Adam Unknown

Adam Unknown Posted 16 years ago

I think it is better to hit a backspin ball on it's bottom part, cause you can lift it easily, just do it with more power and fast graze...

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