

Jacob Page
Jacob Page Asked 12 years ago

I don't have a table at my house so the whole summer I've been playing for 6 hours everyday at the beach. But it will soon be closing, so that means I won't be able to practice, and theres no clubs around 40 minutes away from my house. How can I practice without the table. Thanks

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Jacob,

There is no replacement for playing on a proper table but here are a few ideas to help you in your predicament.

Practicing Alone.  Good luck with it.  I hope you can keep improving.  See if you can find time to get to the club.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Choosing Drills

In this video we discuss how you should choose your drills. We also talk about the type of drills you should choose in the off season as opposed to when you are in competition. We finish off the video by teaching you how to design your own drills.

Watch Now

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