Practice alone


vinesh reddy
vinesh reddy Asked 12 years ago


i need your help! I don't have a table but i have a racket. i want to practice me topspins but how can i without a table. Please answer, thanks

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Vinesh,

This is not easy without a table.  Hitting against a wall can be a little useful like we show you in the lesson on Practicing Alone.  You can also stand in front of a mirror and do teh stroke and see that it looks correct.

Table Tennis ultimately needs a partner but you can develop some skills while practicing alone.

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Thoughts on this question

Abhisek Das

Abhisek Das Posted 12 years ago

i would like to add one technique that i follow very much and that is i use my video camera to record one particular shot technique from all the required angles to understand whether i am moving the forearm in the right direction and then i compare it with the videos given on this website.Believe me this helps to know your style.

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