Practicing for Serve


Amit jain Unknown
Amit jain Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi Coach

The club in which I play, has tables without barriers around each table. So the balls usually gets mixed up with others players playing on adjacent tables. Now I want to practice the serves with a bag of balls and I cannot find a suitable catch net for balls that I can place on the other end to stop the balls for falling off and going to adjacent tables.

How can I practice in this scenario. I am looking for a catch net or other idea that is portable and I can put it easily everytime i practice in club.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Amit,

I wonder if anyone has a solution for you. 

If anyone out there has an idea please give Amit some help.

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Thoughts on this question

andrew brand

andrew brand Posted 15 years ago

how about laying a large bath towell on the floor where the majority of balls fall, to stop the balls bouncing away from the table?

Charles Unknown

Charles Unknown Posted 15 years ago

A good way to catch those balls is to make your own catch net. I use a bed sheet and hang it in some points of the table and other objects. Then went there are no balls, take off the clip and let the balls drop to the box/

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