Preparation of Match


Table TennisGuy
Table TennisGuy Asked 10 years ago

Hi PingSkills!

Every single time I play in an "official" (graded) match, I get paired up with people I can win against. Only in free play. But this is a match. Before the match, my mind was thinking of doing a sidespin serve. But at the match, I always used backspin cry. Whenever I try to think of the opponent and how to defeat him/her, I see people's eyes on me like "Hey man, do a side spin serve" I tried and the ball bounced. On the ground. And when I DO get it right, its not the same amount of spin I put at practice. I always tell myself "I've faced the strongest players in this club. I can do this." But ended up failing anyway. "Next time, I will do this, do that..." at the match,"BALL BALL BALL BALL BACKSPIN BACKSPIN BOOM BOOM UNSUCCESSFUL NOOOOO"

Sorry for the long read. Please give me some tips?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago


Take a look at our Sports Psychology section.  The lesson on Recognise Your Feelings will help to start with.  For the Premium members the lesson on Activation Level will also help.

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Physical Warm Up

Make sure that you warm up so that you get the most out of your session. In this video we present a sample warm up routine.

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