Preparing for a match


Earl Joseph
Earl Joseph Asked 11 years ago

Sir, I have a match coming this Saturday. On the previous night, what should be my intake and at what time should i sleep?(have to get up at 5 in the morning as the venue is in another city)

What should be my warm-up on the day of match? What should be my breakfast?

The match ball is orange. Can my t-shirt be dark yellow?

And 1 more question.

Should all matches(from local to high level) abide with the rules of ittf? Is it allowed to set their own rules?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Earl,

Take a look at tho previous Blog on tournaments.  What to Expect at a Tournament

Try to get to bed at the usual time.  It may be hard to sleep because you are excited but that is OK.

Get to the venue early to give yourself a good chance to warm up on the tables.  At some tournaments, finding a table can be difficult.  Warm up for about 3o minutes and make sure you have done some consistency hitting first.  Later int he 30 minutes you can do some rallies and matches.  You should have developed a good sweat by the end of your practice time.

If the Ball is Orange you should try to avoid all Yellow coloured shirts.

The rules of the tournament are up to the tournament organisers.  They don't need to follow all of the ITTF rules. 

Good luck at the tournament and let us all know how you go.

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Thoughts on this question

Earl Joseph

Earl Joseph Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Sir!

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