Preparing for inter-school matches


Wayne Sy
Wayne Sy Asked 11 years ago

Hi there coach, I just wanted to ask if how will I prepare for our upcoming inter-school athletic meet next week. The competition would be from november 7 to 9 if I'm not mistaken. I would like to ask if how would I prepare my mind and my body to be in my best shape during the competition, what are the do's and don't's I should remember?  And how will I boost my mental toughness and my confidence? what are the things I need to think of? thanks in advance :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Wayne,

The main thing is to focus on playing your best at the tournament.

In the time before the tournament the main things to focus on in training is your serve, return of serve and third ball drills.  This is the area of the game that you use the most in matches.

You can also do a lot of practice matches against a wide variety of players.

Good luck and let us know how you do.

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Thoughts on this question

Wayne Sy

Wayne Sy Posted 11 years ago

thanks a lot coach :), I'll be sure to apply the things you said and hopefully have a good effect on me :)

Xariuz Cruz

Xariuz Cruz Posted 11 years ago

Hi Wayne! An hour before the tournament is best to hear some music which is DAMN HOT to boost your confidence. I've tried it before :D

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

You have to think about what works for each individual.  Some players like calming music or just to sit by themselves, while others like to be more motivated before a match.

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