Problem in a match


Hoàng Trọng Tấn Hoàng
Hoàng Trọng Tấn Hoàng Asked 7 years ago

Hi sir

What happens if a player has an injury, reviles the referee or stops playing? What do the referees do?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Hoang,

The rules say:


The referee may allow a suspension of play, of the shortest practical duration, and in no circumstances more than 10 minutes, if a player is temporarily incapacitated by an accident, provided that in the opinion of the referee the suspension is not likely to be unduly disadvantageous to the opposing player or pair. 



A suspension shall not be allowed for a disability which was present or was reasonably to be expected at the beginning of the match, or where it is due to the normal stress of play; disability such as cramp or exhaustion, caused by the player's current state of fitness or by the manner in which play has proceeded, does not justify such an emergency suspension, which may be allowed only for incapacity resulting from an accident, such as injury caused by a fall. 




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