Problem while serving


Chayan  Kochar
Chayan Kochar Asked 7 years ago

Hi, I am Chayan.

I am facing difficulties while serving with backspin or sidespin.  Either the ball hits the net or it bounces twice on my side of the table.And even if it goes on the other side it doesn't spin much. Moreover while i am trying to do a long fast serve the ball bounces higher than i want.Please help!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Chayan,

It is about getting the right speed and power with the serve.  Try to bounce it closer to you on your side of the table and hit the ball more into the table if it is not reaching the net.

For the long fast serve focus on hitting more forward on the contact to keep it lower.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Contact Point For Maximum Spin

Learn why hitting the ball at the end of your racquet will allow you to generate more spin on your backspin serve.

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Thoughts on this question

Chayan  Kochar

Chayan Kochar Posted 7 years ago

 Thanks for the advice Alois Sir.Will surely try to implement those things.

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