Producing the seamless plastic ball


Josef Novy
Josef Novy Asked 9 years ago

Anyone has the idea how seamless balls like  XuShaofa SEAMLESS Ball are produced ? If balls have seam it is simple but without a seam?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Josef,

I am not sure.  Perhaps someone can help us out here.

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Thoughts on this question

Steve Billmire

Steve Billmire Posted 9 years ago

Hello Josef,

I just watched a video on YouTube about how they make there ball's. In the first few seconds you see where they take a wafer and put it in this tool. The wafer starts to rap around the metal ball in the tool and it looks like they are using heat. But after that few seconds the video goes into how they make balls with seems. Oh Yea, the video is from Nittaku. There is one thing of interest that I was reading about. That all 3 polyball manufacturers (DHS, Nittaku, and Xu Shafa) are in some type of patient infringement dispute over how the seamless balls are made.

Just thought this might be of interest to ya,all.;-) 

Josef Novy

Josef Novy Posted 9 years ago

that is interesting video. I could imagine something like this for production with seam but seamless balls remains mystery to me. Probably the balls are only seamingly seamless :-)

Dieter Verhofstadt

Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 9 years ago

Some more info here


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