Pros and cons of a robot


Ittipat Amonrungmetham
Ittipat Amonrungmetham Asked 13 years ago

Hi there

because I've been away from TT for long, when I come back to play, I find it difficult to keep the ball on the table.

Now, I'm considering to buy a robot to practice my strokes and timing. Do you know of this robot?

For some reasons, I can buy it for a half price [around 700$] in my country, so the price is not the issue.

Do you think it's a good idea to practice with a robot? Because of the poor transportation system in my country, I prefer to practice at home.

Thanks a lot


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ittipat,

I don't know that robot.  Robots in general are good for repetitive practice if you don't have a practice partner.  It is important to practice with someone else as well.  The robot will make you very rigid in your strokes as you are not getting much variation of spin and you also don't get to see the cues of what the other player is doing to generate that stroke.  This is an important part of the game that needs to be learned. 

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