Purchased a Faster Bat


John Ries
John Ries Asked 7 years ago

I purchased a new bat recently.  Its a Stiga Allround Classic Bat with Mark V rubbers.  My old bat was a 20 years old Stiga Ultimate.  The rubbers were completely worn out.  I played my first game with the new bat and noticed it is faster.  So a few of my returns were long and missed the table.  What can I do to adjust to the faster bat or do I need to work on my strokes?


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi John,

It may not be your strokes but just a matter of getting used to the speed of the bat.  It won't take long.  The Mark V is a good choice.

Spend a little time practising with it and you will soon be OK with it.  You don't even have to consciously change anything.  You will adjust naturally.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Make sure you buy a table tennis bat that is suitable for your level and allows you to develop your technique. For your first bat we recommend the PingSkills Rook, and when you upgrade to a custom bat we recommend the PingSkills Touch with Mark V or Rakza 7.

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