Push Placement


Mikey Silverio
Mikey Silverio Asked 11 years ago

When executing the forehand and backhand push, what is the technique to remember when pushing them cross court or down the line?  I'm asking this because my forehand push always goes down the line to the opponents forehand and my backhand push always goes cross court to his forehand. I want to do this to block their objective.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Mikey,

The change in direction on the push comes from the fingers and wrist.  You can keep the action the same just alter the wrist and finger direction on contact.  Instead of getting too technical the easiest way is to put a target on the table on the backhand side and do some pushing training and see if you can get the ball to hit the target.

Give it a try and let me know if it improves.

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