Pushing as an option for light topspin serves


Anthony Capasso
Anthony Capasso Asked 10 years ago

Hi guys, 

Thank you for answering my last question.

I am an intermediate player still practicing flicks and backhand topspin. If a serve is long I usually am aggressive. However, on a short serve with light topspin, I cannot always flick it when it is on my backhand, so I try to give a low push.

I will tend to close my racket a lot to keep the ball on the table. Even if I eventually master the backhand flick and topspin, should I occasionally push the light topspin to confuse my opponent and give him different returns? Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Anthony,

I think pushing the light topspin serve is a good tactic often.  When players serve the topspin serve they are expecting a flick return so if you can give them something else it will be harder for them.

If you are a player that like attacking off a backspin ball then this is also a good tactic as their response to this shot is probably going to be a backspin ball.

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