Putting on Rubber


rahul anil
rahul anil Asked 13 years ago

i have recently bought a mark v rubber can you give me steps to glue  it on to the blade my racket i a preambled  one  so i need to remove the rubber so i would appreciate some help one more question do you think mark v rubbers can help controlling the ball for offensive players

Thank You 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Rahul,

To glue the rubber onto the bat, you need to get a good Table Tennis specific glue first.

If you are having problems getting the old rubber off, use something like Acetone or Turpentine.  This will soften the sponge and make it easier to get off. 

Then apply the glue to the back of the rubber and the wood.  Let them both touch dry and then roll the rubber onto the bat.

Mark V is a very good rubber for control.  It is one we recommend.

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