Putting practice into competitive play


Sydney Unknown
Sydney Unknown Asked 16 years ago

I'm fortunate to have solid technique on my shots (good coaching as a junior - lucky enough to train with a Jeff a few times in the 80s, actually). However, I've always found that my strong shots (eg forehand loops) in training drills aren't translating into competitive performance. I can get 95% accuracy on loops in training, but only around 10-20% in competitive play, where I seem to be rushed and off-balance. Excluding tactical issues, do you have any suggestions? Footwork? Positioning relative to table? Anticipation? Conscious concentration on positioning?

Congrats on a fantastic site. Cheers, SCB

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Sydney,

Thanks for the words about the site.  Much appreciated.  You will have to share some stories of young Jeff.

The main things that are different between games and training are often, positioning and tension in your shoulders.

In a game because the ball comes to us randomly we may not be getting into position properly.  To rectify this we need to do more random exercises when we practice.  Random exercises are ones where we don't know where the ball is coming.  So rather than hitting your forehand from one spot, practice hitting it from a random area.  Thius will help you to watch the ball more closely and react a little quicker.

Another thing that happens in a game is that we tighten up a little. It doesn't take much to make the stroke completely different.  Focus on your shoulder during your strokes and see if this is happening during a game. The other thing that happens is that in a game situation we aren't as relaxed so we don't see the ball as early as we do in practice when we are relaxed.

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