Putting thin sponge on LP and SP


Rodrigo Aromas
Rodrigo Aromas Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois,

I have been playing all around paddle with SP OX and LP OX for a year now. I'm thinking putting thin sponge on SP and likewise on my LP. Is this good idea? By the way, I'm a senior with limited mobility.

My second question is, change my short pips to an inverted rubber. If you think I change to inverted rubber what would you recommend how thick would be the sponge?

I've been asking questions and you gave good advices and I'm improving.

Thank you,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Rodrigo,

It is worth the experiment. With the sponge under the short pimples you will be able to generate some more spin and variation on your shots. On the long pimples it will give you better control but will have less effect.

I would start with putting sponge under the short pimples and see how it feels.

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