Question on topspin drive


Mudit Kapoor
Mudit Kapoor Asked 15 years ago

Hi Alois,

Firstly, thanks for posting the blogs from Ji-Soo and Brett. I really found them very informative and encouraging.

During my practice sessions, I came across a helpful hint which I would like to clarify with you. I noticed that one player in my team executes a topspin shot by bringing his body weight forward and executing the shot from more in the forward direction with a closed finish angle of the racquet (when the return is a push) this gives it more speed and spin. I compared it with my shot and I found that I tend to go back while executing this shot and finish with the open face of the racquet close to my forehead (I am a left hander) so I get more spin and less speed. I do shift weight from my left foot to my right foot during the stroke but still I find it difficult to improve this style and build a more aggressive topspin drive. Can you please suggest any steps which I can follow?

Also, whenever I hit a topspin I tend to put it cross-court rather than down the line. This definitely helps in consistency but also makes my shot very predictable for my opponent to block. How can I improvise this and put a topspin drive down the line?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Mudit,

To generate more speed you just need to make your stroke more horizontal.  So start with your bat higher and finish with itfurther out in front of your head.  The other factor is to contact the ball a little flatter so that it travels faster.

These few things will increase the speed of your stroke.

To hit the ball down the line it is just a matter of altering verys slightly the angle of your wrist.  Try to get the back of your hand closer to your forearm.  This will open up the angele of your bat and get theball to go down the line.  Satrt by even tryin gto hit the ball off the left hand side of the table (for you as a left hander).  Thsi will show you the limit of your range. Direction can be changed with only a slight chnge of your wrist.

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Forehand Counterhit

The forehand counterhit or forehand drive is the foundation for more attacking strokes such as the forehand topspin or forehand loop. There are 3 critical factors:

  1. Your feet position
  2. Your start position
  3. Your finish position

If you concentrate on these 3 factors then your stroke will become extremely consistent. Once you can reliably hit 100 balls in a row then you are ready for more attacking strokes. If you can hit 1,000 balls on in a row then you know you've truly mastered the stroke.

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