Racket balance


Oscar Moe Myint
Oscar Moe Myint Asked 10 years ago


My old racket (ready-made) is with the same weight of head and handle. So i feel nothing strange from its weight.

And now,my new racket ( custom made) is with different weights of head and handle.

It's head is a lot heavier than handle.

So as for me,i am NOT used to with handling with such weight of racket.

What i want to know is "Is that racket right for me to use?"

I also want to know if all other rackets are with such weights. (heavier head, lighter handle)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Oscar,

The weight and feel of a racket is something that you can get used to.

Not all rackets have a heavier head.  It is probably just the type of racket that you have.  If you can’t get used to it, you may need to try something different.

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Thoughts on this question

Oscar Moe Myint

Oscar Moe Myint Posted 10 years ago

Thanks, Sir.

By the way,have u ever seen the rackets such as mine?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Oscar,

There are some rackets that are top heavy.  It often depends on the type of rubber that is on the bat as well.

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