Racket Info


Uzair UK
Uzair UK Asked 6 years ago

Hi Alois,

I was watching Table tennis matches, but I noticed in the Match that , Before starting the match Referee have the players rackets he give the rackets to the players, So I want to ask that in the ITTF Provide the playing racket or Players have his personal rackets?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Uzair,

Prior to a match the player go to what is called the "Call Room".  In there they give their rackets to the umpires to check for legality.  Once the umpires check the racket they will put them in a bag and hold on to them till the stat of the match.  That is when you see the umpire giving the rackets back to the players just before the match.

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Thoughts on this question


A E Posted 4 years ago

Yes i am very very very late, but this might help https://youtu.be/fTCbpWmPzTY

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