I am Manjunath alias Manchey or Munch.
I am strong in Forehand. What do you reckon is a good fh rubber for me......i am seriously the best in my school club in my age category............which is a better rubber than mark totaly lacks speed ...........i just get amazed by the speed of penhold players.......i just want one thing................speed
Hi Manjunath,
MAke sure that your stroke is technically good before moving to a really fast rubber.
The next progression we recommend is something like Yasaka Pryde or Vega Pro.
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Martin Elliget Posted 12 years ago
I've played with Mark V for years (on an all-round Stiga blade) and, while I would often get comments from opponents that I was generating a lot of spin, I felt my shots lacked any real speed. I've recently changed to Xiom Omega IV Pro on my FH (my stronger side also) and Xiom Vega Pro on my BH. I'm still getting used to it but I'm really liking the difference in speed. Both rubbers also have heaps more spin. Apart from the extra speed on attacking shots and long serves, I'm finding the extra speed on blocks good too. The Vega Pro is great for my backhand loops.
I was going to put the new rubbers on a new offensive blade but a friend recommended I first try the faster rubber on my existing all-round blade (Stiga Energy Wood), which I think was good advice. However, I'm still interested in trying out an offensive bat, so I'm getting a second bat, a Xiom Stradivarius, with Vega Pro on the FH and Vega Europe on the BH.
Good luck on your quest for more speed.
Thanks for sharing your experience Martin.