Rakza 7 Thickness


Timo Salmi
Timo Salmi Asked 7 years ago

Hi Guys,

I have played now Rakza 7 1,8 mm and thinking to change it to Rakza 7 2,0 mm. Can you tell me is there a big difference between these rubbers when playing? I mean pushing, looping, blocking and so on?

Best Regards



Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi Timo,

There certainly is a noticeable difference between 1.8mm and 2.0mm. As you have used the 1.8mm for a while I think it will be fine to switch to the 2.0mm version, especially if you have good control and are now looking for some extra speed. So based on your play and interest, I'd suggest you give it a go!

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Thoughts on this question

Timo Salmi

Timo Salmi Posted 7 years ago

Hi Jeff,

And thank you for your answer. Yes im looking for extra speed and hopefully extra spin too. So Ill try that 2.0. Ill let you no after while how it is going.



Aniketh Danam

Aniketh Danam Posted 7 years ago

U actually have a better control on 2.0mm rubber and generates a lot of spin and speed due to thickness, so 2.0mm is better.

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