Rating system


Jacob Page
Jacob Page Asked 12 years ago

How does scoring work in table tennis, for example, my friend is level 1100.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Jacob,

Each country has its own system.  Someone may be able to help you with the U.S. system which I think you are referring to.

The higher your rating the better the player you are rated.

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Thoughts on this question

douglas harley

douglas harley Posted 12 years ago

the USATT ratings system process is fully-explained here: http://www.usatt.org/ratings/ratingsprocess.html

the USATT player ratings DB is here: http://www.teamusa.org/USA-Table-Tennis/Events-Leagues-Ratings/Ratings.aspx

your friend's rating of 1100 would be considered a "bright beginner" level.  that is, he is still a beginner, but a pretty good one, capable of competing with most intermediate-level players.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Thanks Douglas.

Ivo C.

Ivo C. Posted 12 years ago

so what actually is different in all countries?in belgium, you start at nc, and whem at the emd of the season youve won more then 50 %of your.mayches against other.NC s., you raise to e6 you can also raise multuple ranks. first.youre.NC, then e6, then e4 then e2 them e0 then d6 etc


Oliver Posted 12 years ago

what about the ittf system?

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