Re-surface pre-made bat


Paul McVay
Paul McVay Asked 11 years ago

Can you re-surface a stiga pre-made bat? Or will trying to tear off the old rubber ruin the blade?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Paul,

It usually works pretty well.  Some of the Stiga premade bats have reasonable blades.  Even if the rubber doesn't come off cleanly, you can then use some solvent to remove the rest of the sponge without damaging the blade.

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Thoughts on this question

Paul McVay

Paul McVay Posted 11 years ago

Thanks for the reply! That was very helpful!

atharva sakharkar

atharva sakharkar Posted 11 years ago

What do u mean by resurface i also hv a premade bat adidas afg rookie shud i re surface it

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Just changing the rubber on it.  You could re-rubber it if the current rubber has lost its grip.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Atharva,

You can change the rubber of a pre made bat but it is harder than a custom bat as the rubber is usually stuck on to the blade very strongly. Often the rubber will break apart and you'll need some solvent to remove the remains from the blade.

With a custom made bat, it gets stuck on with table tennis glue and hence it is much easier to replace the rubber.

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