Receive a tomahawk service


Alessio Mortillaro
Alessio Mortillaro Asked 6 years ago

Hello pingskills, I play against a trainer who frequently uses the tomahawk service, usually with full sidespin. If long, I can use pure topspin and the ball will go right back to my opponent. On the other hand, i have difficulties against SHORT tomahawk services, i tried closing the bat angle, but it still flies off straight over the table. Could you give me any advice?? thank you in advance,

Alessio M.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Alessio,

You can use the flick.  It sounds like he is getting some topspin on the serve as well if you are finding it difficult to keep on the table.  Hit the ball quite firmly to get a short contact time on the ball.

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