Receive backspin serve


siddharth mehra
siddharth mehra Asked 12 years ago

Hey,...i am from India and in my club there are two people who use the GKI(indian) blades and they are so heavy ,...When they serve i tried chop,push,just holding the bat vertical but the ball is going always in the net. I lose 5-6 points just in service returns in a 21 pts. game n i get very upset.Can u help?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Siddharth,

If the ball is going into the net all the time try to tilt your bat back more.  This will counteract the backspin that is on the ball.

If you can get a monthly membership to the Premium membership and watch the Receiving Secrets course.  This will really help you by showing you the principles of receiving spin serves.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Understanding Spin

To be able to receive serve effectively, you need to know how the ball will react when it hits your bat with different types of spin. We go into detail to explain this with the use of our disc wheel.

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