Receiving a Backhand Sidespin Serve


Sivaraman Sankar
Sivaraman Sankar Asked 12 years ago

Hi sir ,

i wanted to know how to return a backhand side spin serve when it is given long to my forehand? Most of the time i receive it by doing a chop but is there any other to return it?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Sivaraman,

You can chop the ball back but this will put you on the defensive. If you are not a chopper I would recommend using theĀ Forehand Topspin Off Backspin. You will need to adjust your stroke slightly to counter the sidespin as well as the backspin but the video will give you all the basics you need.

As a guide, you should try and topspin most long serves as it will put you on the attack and your opponent on the defensive.

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