Receiving Float Serve


JoeMarie Buela
JoeMarie Buela Asked 12 years ago


I always having a trouble when it comes receiving float serve..

What is the key to receive this correctly.?

Thanks :D

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi JoeMarie,

If you are trying to push the ball you need to have a really vertical stroke and a soft hand to control the ball back short.  You can also try coming around the side of the ball on the short push. This will put a bit of sidespin on the ball and help to keep it short.  

The better option is to develop your flick.  This will make returning the serve a bit easier.  Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Flick for more ideas.

Don't mention it to Jeff but I have problems with this one too. 

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Thoughts on this question

mohsen dessouki

mohsen dessouki Posted 12 years ago

what do you mean by a float service ?

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Mohsen,

A float service is one that has no spin (or very little backspin) on it. You might wonder why this is a good serve. By itself it probably isn't amazing but when you have a very similar looking serve where you can produce a lot of backspin, this becomes a real weapon. If you're opponent is not sure whether there is a lot of backspin or hardly any, it becomes very difficult to return.

If you have picked that there is not much spin on the serve, then you can follow Alois' instructions above. 

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