Red and black rubbers


Paarth Saxena
Paarth Saxena Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

When I started playing table tennis , I was told to play my forehand with the red rubber and backhand with the black one , and I was also told that the red rubber is faster than the black one , is this true? I have seen many professional matches and most top players use black on their forehand and red on their backhand , why do they do this? I think that the reason is that because playing backhand is slower in comparison to playing forehand. Please tell me why they do this.

Thank You!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Paarth,

There is no difference in the performance of the red and black rubbers at all.  That is why some use red on the forehand and some use black.  It is just a preference.

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