Reference about rubber


haram elahi
haram elahi Asked 10 years ago

Hello my name is shahid I want to ask that. I am now currently using donic carbotec 100 but the ball control at back hand and forehand is not good.  I am good at backhand and very speedy after several shots and due to that my ball moves out of the table I want you to suggest me rubber for backhand and forehand which will give me forehand topspin and on backhand a good control and speed at serves with both hands. a rubber which can play at short and long long distance with good control and power of shots according to my speed. with a blade also

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Haram,

I would persevere with the same bat with the same rubber. There is not a much slower rubber that will help you.  I think you should focus on the technique of the strokes more than the rubber.  The rubber you are using will provide good control once you get the strokes correct.

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