Service Return
When the player against me play a spinny serve I don't know how to return it because when I return it I return it were he can shoot it so I want to know how to return it where he can't shoot it? Please I need your answer.
Hi Mahmoud,
This can be frustrating... I know...
The best thing is as you get used to the spin they are putting, then you can alter the angle of your racket a little more to get the ball to go where you want it to.
The change in direction comes from just an altering of the angle of your racket. Don't try to do too much to the ball by spinning it back.
Learning to place the ball takes a lot of time and practice. Try to get as much practice time with a partner with good serves and you will start to improve this skill.
We have a course on Receiving Secrets that will help you to learn the principles of returning spin serve well. This is available to our Premium members.
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Reynel Obordo Posted 12 years ago
Yeah its very frustrating...but it takes time to analyse, you can lose points but if you getting that point as you know how to return that serve
mat huang Posted 12 years ago
practise makes perfect...not really but train hard
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
Perfect practice makes you very good anyway.
Parakram Basnet Posted 12 years ago
Absolutely buddy, when i first started receiving spinning serves, i couldnt even land the ball on the other side. it used to fly off. but then i practised hard and now i can receive any kind of serves easily... so keep practising as to be true, practise makes a fan PERFECT :)
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
Good work Parakram.
Parakram Basnet Posted 12 years ago
it's all thanks to pingskills coach. And sorry for the errors *man* :)