Returning balls low off the side of the table

Table Tennis Match Strategy

Last updated 7 years ago

Jim PingPalHal

Jim PingPalHal Asked 7 years ago

I'm not sure how often this situation occurs but when I'm playing it seems to come up (maybe based on who i'm playing), but there's a situation where I'm on the backhand side and a ball is returned with topspin where it will bounce low on the forehand side, then off the right side of the table but with slow enough speed that it doesn't really pass the base-line area.

Because i'm in sort of a weird position, I normally shuffle over to the right edge of the table, and kinda wrap my arm around the corner leg of the table for a forehand. I do sort of a lobby top spin floaty ball that ends up with a high bounce on the opponent's side, but I can't seem to do anything else other than that.

Is this a common situation, or maybe just a byproduct of bad footwork, or too enclosed of an area(i find this happens in garage type close to table play)

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Jim,

This is a difficult ball for anyone.  I think the biggest focus should be on how low you can keep the ball over the net.  You need to have a lot of touch to be able to do this successfully... and a lot of practice at it which it sounds like you are getting...

Keep your hand relaxed and don't be afraid to hi the ball too low.  As you have found if you hit the ball high it is an easy finish for the opponent anyway.

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