returning long spin serves


M V Asked 13 years ago


you guys are doing a great job, keep  up the good work.

I have a real problem returning serves-fast side spin ones, especially fast serves coz while playing with a smasher, i end up giving him a very easy third shot to smash back (generally my returns end up in the middle of the table and bounce off for him to chop), if i chop it generally ends in the net or goes out? so what is a good strategy?

should i try returning with a flat bat?

once again, keep up the good work and all the best!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago


You should keep trying to attack these serves.  Practice this skill a lot and see if you can get better at it.  It is what will progress you to a higher level. 

If you keep pushing the return it will always end with the server gaining the attack too easily.

Thanks for your kind wishes. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Fake Movements

After the ball has left the server's bat, they can no longer affect the spin that is on the ball. Any movements after the contact are referred to as fake movements and are meant to confuse you as the receiver. You need to focus on the contact to read the spin.

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