Reverse pendulum serve contact height


viki sharma
viki sharma Asked 13 years ago


Thanks a lot for answering my previous questions, your suggestions were really helpful. I have tried the reverse pendulum serve several times and I have been successful a few times. But while practicing, I want to make it into a routine. So could you give me a convenient reference point (with respect to the body) where the contact should start. I mean should it contact happen when the ball has reached just below the chest or at the stomach or lower. Many times, I am indecisive about the height at which I should contact it. So I would be very grateful if you shall give a reference point so that I can practice with it and perfect it by always contacting the ball at the same location.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Viki,

This will depend on your height of course but as a reference hit the ball around chest height.  The best reference you have is the height the ball is going over the net.  It might sound simple but it is the best reference.

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