Reverse tomahawk serve


sachet bhattarai
sachet bhattarai Asked 7 years ago

 it is really difficult to find information about kenta matsudairas reverse tomahawk serve so could you teach it in short and how to create different spins by the serve.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Sachet,

The giant hing with this serve is to start like you would with a normal tomahawk serve and then alter the swing path of your serve at the last second to go around the other side of the ball and contact with the backhand side of the racket.

To get different spins you then need to follow the same principles as you would with any other serve thinking about the contact on the ball, whether it is upward or downward on the ball to generate backspin or topspin.

We have a Premium Ask the Coach video response here. Backhand Tomahawk Serve.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Backhand Serve

The backhand serve is often under rated. We teach you how to vary your spin so you can confuse your opponent.

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Thoughts on this question

Gabriel Orozco

Gabriel Orozco Posted 7 years ago

Well, the key to tomahawk serves is to get your racket at ear/eye level and brush the ball downwards until around your knee. In a backhand tomahawk serve, try to practice sidespin first, and then move towards backspin. In a reverse tomahawk serve, assuming you 're right handed, when you brush the ball down, make sure the racket reaches until around right knee height. Make sure your legs are wide enough to get yourself balanced back when you finish executing the serve to be ready for the ball. Oh, and make sure you're very low, of course, if you haven't noticed: Tomahawk serves are low and the way you hold the racket is different than other serves.

Johan B

Johan B Posted 7 years ago

For me it helps to think that the motion should be the same for a topspin tomahawk serve as for a backspin reverse, and vice versa. You just hit different sides of the racket


Manfred Posted 7 years ago

Great Johan, your answer helps me. I will try. 

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